Modern technology provides people an opportunity to change the way we protect wildlife. The use of cameras and drones to look deeper into the natural environment, programs to analyze and process information, and the clouds to disseminate policies and techniques, eliminate physical and geographical obstacles. Natural conservation groups are now beginning to develop the required tools to achieve differences.
Technologies That Aid in Wildlife Removal And Conservation
Drone Monitoring. Several countries appointed a special area at national parks and wildlife reserves with strict legislation to fair criminals. However, the lack of resources interferes with tracing observation of illegal activities. The National Park is often difficult to monitor because it includes thousands of square kilometers. Here, drone and surveillance technology can help rangers increase the ranking and effectiveness of surveillance activities without physically implementing people from the remote places
SMART Surveillance. In Africa, some governments began the use of Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool or otherwise known as SMART. This technology allows people to address wildlife trade issues in various animal species. SMART also allows people in authority for wildlife removal in places where they don’t belong. Through these technologies, seamless tracking and intelligent monitoring can prevent illegal trade of wildlife. With camera traps and other sensor technologies, the authorities can save, protect, and observe large-scale wildlife-related information. However, it is necessary to use a lot of data collected in image and video form to handle and provide useful insights, so great investment in the actual infrastructure is needed.
Articifical Intelligence (AI) Image Processing. The biggest strength of artificial intelligence (AI) is to handle large information required to determine and locate illegal wildlife trade. AI Guardian program, for example, can identify an image of an illegal wildlife product, showing 75% accuracy in all times it had been used. In 2007, several nations have begun to collect technologies to fight and prevent illegal wildlife trade.
Collaboration and Sharing through the Cloud. Cloud technology promptly helps in the expansion of programs without providing, operating and maintaining expensive physical infrastructures. The cloud also achieves a wide range of accessibility, which allows organizations in spreading information fast across wide geographical distances. Therefore, pooling resources deliver more important results to provide wildlife protection efforts.