From posing for awkward profile photos to carefully worded ice-breaking messages, dating can be an emotionally taxing experience. Now, with the proliferation of smartphones and apps such as Tinder and Bumble, it has also become significantly more tech-savvy. But how has technology changed the game, and what does the future hold for dating? This article explores exactly that, taking a look at how online dating has evolved in recent years due to technology and the changing face of relationships as a result.

Smartphones have Made Dating Easier and More Accessible

Back then, online dating was seen as a more casual way to meet someone, but it was still fairly stigmatized, especially since people were meeting strangers from all over the world. Nowadays, dating apps are the new, more casual way to meet people, but they’ve become so much more than that.

For starters, dating apps have made meeting potential partners easier, more accessible, and more convenient, but they’ve also made it more socially acceptable, which means that the stigma surrounding online dating has largely dissipated.

This also made dating advice easier to find. We can simply search dating advice sites for us to easily find a partner.

Dating Apps have Paved the Way for More Transparency

With dating apps, users are able to write a brief bio that showcases their personality and interests, and they can upload several photos, usually including one that shows their face.

Dating apps have made the process of meeting new people less intimidating, and have given singles the opportunity to create a sense of transparency, which is a valuable tool in the world of dating.

For example, if a user has a disability they want to be upfront about, they can write it in their bio. If they have a child and want potential partners to know before they meet them, they can include it.

Relationships are Built on a Foundation of Transparency and Honesty

Part of dating apps’ transparency comes from the fact that they encourage users to be honest about their desires and expectations.

For example, a user might select “friends” or “no sex” as their relationship preference, or they might write in their bio that they are only interested in a long-term relationship. By putting relationship preferences on the table, dating apps help users weed out the people who aren’t a good fit for them.