If you are baffled whether you must invest in invoicing software or not, then this may be the sign that you are looking for. There are plenty of advantages for having such system for your business. Let us take a quick look on some of its benefits.

Easy Conversion of Quote-to-Invoice

Buy online billing application or software that comes have quote templates already. This way, customers, should chose to accept the quotes can just click on the “approve” button. You on the other hand can simply convert the accepted quote in an invoice without doing additional work on it.

Analyze Your Prices

How nice will it be if the cost popped up whenever you have added line item to the invoice. There are software suites that are programmed to learn the pricing schedule and enter the figures as you are building your invoice. You may even set it up in a way that it will deduct the sold items from the inventory.

Make Invoices Online for Faster Payments

Instead of emailing the invoice as attachment, you could simply set it up as a website and then, give your customers a link where they could go to. You might be wondering what is in for you?

  • You will be able to edit the online invoice until it is paid. Meaning to say, if there are mistakes occurred, it can be fixed immediately.
  • You’ve got the power to see the invoice being opened by your customers, which is pretty handy in being reminded of the due date
  • Customers can make instant payments via the invoice whether they are calling you or visiting the bank website

Accepts Credit Card and Other Payment Methods

There are a lot of businesses and customers too who prefer instant payment options for convenience such as debit card, credit card, direct debit and automated clearing house.

Businesses that are offering such options are paid for up to 50 percent faster than those that are not.

To make the most of such trend, opt for invoicing software that has integration of trusted and known online payment providers similar to PayPal and Stripe. Besides, these services are oftentimes free to set up, though they might charge a nominal fee for transaction.